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2023 Career Champion: Brooke Singletary

Nominated by Jeff Thomas

Brooke Singletary (Vice President of Business Development at Coast Professional, Inc.) stands out to her colleagues as a leader who not only excels at her job, but also ensures everyone around her does too.

Brooke Singletary - Career Champ

Great mentors, leaders, and career champions embody a unique blend of experience, empathy, and effective communication. They possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their field, enabling them to guide and support those around them with valuable insights. Beyond imparting wisdom, they actively listen, empathize with their co-worker's challenges, and provide constructive feedback, creating a safe space for growth and learning. A great mentor invests time and commitment, tailoring their approach to the needs and aspirations of each person. They set clear goals, challenge those around them to reach their potential, and serve as positive role models, instilling not only professional skills but also values and ethics. 

These are all statements that can be used to describe Coast Professional’s Vice President of Business Development Brooke Singletary. 

"Brooke's exceptional ability to drive results, and her exemplary leadership skills, make her a standout figure in our industry," says Chief Executive Office for Coast Professional, Inc. (Coast), Jonathan Prince. “Since joining Coast in 2012, Brooke has played an integral role in shaping our Sales, Marketing, and Client Service divisions. Her innovative strategies regularly bring about growth in our client base while building a culture of excellence. Beyond the numbers, Brooke is an authentic leader, consistently motivating her colleagues to reach their full potential. Her unwavering dedication has been a bedrock of our organization's continuous improvement and success.” 

Brooke possesses a remarkable talent to be able to make you feel like you are the most important person in the room. Even through the hustle and bustle of this fast-paced world, she carves out moments to truly listen and engage with you, demonstrating an unparalleled ability to prioritize genuine connection and empathy.  

“Brooke is one of those rare women who helps everyone she meets. She is highly intelligent and incredibly generous with her time. She has mentored many people throughout the company, but she has been especially impactful for me and my career,” says Director of Client Service with Coast, Rechelle Brown. “Brooke maintains open lines of communication and does not ever hesitate to stop what she is doing to help someone on her team or anywhere within the company. She personally speaks with her team members every day.”  

She continues, “In addition to being a strong leader and gifted member of leadership, she is incredibly kind. I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today were it not for her kind encouragement and focused mentorship. She is a blessing to all who meet her.” 

In her current position, Brooke manages three different departments (Sales, Marketing, and Client Services), each with their own specializations and requirements. You can ask anyone on these teams about how Brooke has affected their career in a positive manner and each one could give you a lengthy response, but Brooke’s accolades speak for themselves. 

“Brooke epitomizes the focus of this award, to 'Uplift.’. She is a constant source of positivity, inspiration and carries real undying faith in her team. We’re extremely blessed to have her lead us,” says Director of Business Development, Corky Mobley. “She inspires me to be better in every facet of life.” 

Brooke has been involved in significant company initiatives including being the project manager/lead on an offsite industry conference; serving as the secondary point of contact for the onboarding of a major government contract, with a total value exceeding $100 million; and advocating with legislators for issues relative to debt collection, student loans, and tax collection to ensure consumer and industry protections are in place. Brooke led the company’s sales team to a 27 percent sales growth and has increased the company’s client base by 95 percent since starting with Coast.  

“I believe Brooke should be considered for this award due to her constant positive influence on her colleagues, tireless work effort, dedication, and the overall impact she brings to our entire Coast team,” says Director of Business Development with Coast, Diana Day. “For nearly five years, I’ve had the pleasure to watch her mentor others and ready them for the next stages in their careers. She genuinely cares about her coworkers and pours her time and talent into them to ensure they have all the skills necessary to excel both personally and professionally. She is a joy to know as a person!” 

An example of Brooke’s inclusive leadership style involved Lisa Spamer, who began as a debt collector and is now Coast’s Marketing and Graphic Specialist. Lisa credits Brooke for seeing potential in her and bringing her into the team.  

“I think she wanted to take a chance on me because I have a collections background,” says Lisa. “While my experience as a graphic designer was limited to making logos for friends, local businesses, and various projects, she saw something in me and gave me a shot at this amazing opportunity. Brooke took the time to teach me the marketing side of things. She helps make me more well-rounded in my position by pushing me in ways I didn't know I could be pushed while giving me the freedom to express myself in a way that still reflects our company brand." 

In 2019, Brooke received the prestigious Bronze Stevie Award for Women in Business, specifically in the category of "Female Executive of the Year." This recognition not only highlighted Brooke's significant influence within our industry but also served as an inspiring example for emerging women professionals in our field.  

Outside of work, Brooke does just as much to uplift those around her. Besides being a wonderful mother of two, she also volunteers at her local food bank, has been very involved with “Night to Shine,” a dance for individuals with special needs, is an active member of her church, and has been involved with multiple faith-based study groups, children’s ministry, and any other volunteer opportunities that arise.  

Even in the face of adversity, Brooke stands as a beacon of strength and resilience. She shattered glass ceilings and paved the way for countless others to dream bigger, achieve more, and lead with grace and determination. Her hard work and dedication will continue to inspire, reminding us that true leadership is defined not by gender, but by the content of one's character and the impact they leave on the world. Brooke is a career champion that Coast is proud of, and one that will be a glowing representation for the award and Women in Consumer Finance. 

“Brooke is the consummate professional with an unwavering commitment to the organization and a never-ending drive to do the right thing,” concludes Vice President of Operations for Coast, Chris Brown. “Brooke exudes positivity in every interaction and can always bring the best light to any situation, putting the success of the common mission above anything else. Any organization would be wildly successful to have a team full of the mold from which Brooke was created, however, we’re tremendously fortunate to be the only one to have the original that broke that mold.” 

We're proud to recognize Brooke as a part of our 2023 Uplift Award's Program (sponsored by ARM Compliance Business Solutions). Get updates about next year's awards as well as inspiring career stories and helpful advice when you subscribe to the WCF Newsletter.