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Intentional Goal Setting: Crafting a Future that Motivates & Fulfills You

  A free, digital workshop from WCF & DoorSeffect, LLC  

February 21st from 1-3 pm ET


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Marisa Thomas - Leadership Coach


About the Workshop

Goals accelerate your growth by giving you outcomes to work towards. Unfortunately, many of us fall short of achieving our aims due to lack of clarity and purpose.

Don’t let empty, unclear goals guide you. Join experienced leadership coach Marisa Thomas on February 21st from 1-3pm EST for Intentional Goal Setting - Crafting a Future that Motivates & Fulfills You. 

During the free, digital workshop, Marisa will guide you through a goal setting brainstorm. You’ll come away with a clearer idea of what you want, why you want it, and how to keep yourself on track for achieving it. 

What to Expect

This workshop will be engaging and interactive. During the session, you will:

  • Reflect on what’s held you back from achieving your goals in the past.
  • Uncover what fulfills you and what excites you about the future.
  • Explore the motivation behind your personal and professional wants.
  • Craft new goals based on what you discover.

Meet Marisa Thomas

Marisa Thomas is a talent amplifier. She strives to unlock potential in advancing leaders. As a former executive at Capital One, Marisa understands that motivated leaders transform the lives of those around them while also improving overall business outcomes. Unfortunately, many leaders get stuck in a cycle of overwhelm and exhaustion due to a lack of development resources. Marisa aims to fill that crucial gap with her coaching company, DoorSeffect, LLC. Learn more.