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2023 Career Champions

These women are the super connectors and mega mentors of financial services. They make moves, but never fail to turn around and bring others up along with them. Their impact is felt far and wide.
Morgan Smith
"For so many years, I didn’t have someone in my corner, promoting my successes to those who needed to know, and making space at the table for me. I didn’t know I needed that person. I have a deep appreciation for those like Morgan who put their egos aside and pave a way for those they feel are worthy."
Danielle Banner
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
"Danielle's influence has empowered me to transition from an industry observer to a confident speaker. This transformation is significant for me, as I once held back due to a lack of confidence as a newcomer. Her unwavering support and belief in my potential have propelled me to seize opportunities and contribute my insights to the industry discourse."
Jennifer Sutton
RNN Group
"Jennifer encouraged me to speak up, be creative, stand up for myself, lead my co-workers, and listen when I had ideas or opinions. Fast forward 10 years—I have been promoted into leadership roles all because SHE believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself."
Michelle Macartney
"Michelle's a talent whisperer. She has this knack for spotting potential and nurturing it. She frequently takes team members under her wing cultivating and supporting their professional development. During weekly company calls, Michelle consistently acknowledges and recognizes others for their accomplishments, making people feel supported in their development."
Brooke Singletary
Coast Professional, Inc.
"Brooke possesses a remarkable talent to make you feel like you are the most important person in the room. Even through the hustle and bustle of this fast-paced world, she carves out moments to truly listen and engage with you, demonstrating an unparalleled ability to prioritize genuine connection and empathy. "
Lisa Rozzelle
Crown Asset Management
"What I most admire about Lisa is her ability to show up for others in all situations. She never fails to read the room and determine how she can best benefit the collective. No one goes unseen or uncared for in Lisa’s world. Be it praise, encouragement, or a healthy dose of showing someone they’ve been truly seen in their moment of need, Lisa is never, EVER, absent."
Crystal Torres
"Crystal has developed and trained innumerable associates at TRAKAmerica, identifying talented individuals and growing them into key associates, with many of them becoming our current managers, directors and vice presidents. She digs into details with her people, teaching them how to problem solve and come up with complex solutions."

Stay tuned for 2024...

Don't miss your chance to nominate yourself or someone you admire next year. The 2024 program will include more categories which means more opportunity for recognition.

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